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Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Bis Restu Panda

Bus Restu Panda

by det on 29 December, 2009

Versi Sopan dari Bus Restu

Yang pernah melakukan perjalanan dari Malang – Surabaya – Madiun – Ponorogo dan sebaliknya tentu sudah sangat hafal dengan bus Restu. Salah satunya mungkin karena perilaku bus berwarna dominan hijau itu  yang terkesan ugal-ugalan di jalan.
Namun image sebagai bus ugal-ugalan tersebut sudah mulai terpatahkan berkat inovasi dari perusahaan otobis yang bermarkas di Lawang Malang itu. Mereka mengeluarkan bus baru dengan warna tetap dominan hijau bergambar panda. Kemudian orang-orang menjulukinya Restu Panda.
bus restu panda
Bus ini dilengkapi AC sehingga terasa sejuk dan bebas asap rokok. Kemiringan sandaran kursinya juga bisa disetel sesuai selera. Berjalannya juga tidak ugal-ugalan. Membuat penumpang merasa nyaman. Saking nyamannya banyak yang tertidur dan tiba-tiba sudah sampai di kota tujuan. Oia, bis ini juga dilengkapi dengan TV. (Sayangnya tidak ada toiletnya) :mrgreen:
Hal lain yang patut diacungi jempol adalah adanya pengecekan karcis hingga beberapa kali oleh petugas khusus yang bisa naik kapan saja selama perjalanan. Dengan demikian penumpang akan terhindar dari dikenai tarif yang terlalu tinggi oleh kondektur. Dalam hal tarif, Restu memang paling disiplin dibanding bus yang lain.
Kalau dulu untuk pergi ke Ponorogo harus menunggu bus Aneka Jaya jika mau dapat bus AC, itupun jam keberangkatannya hanya 4 kali dalam sehari, kini sudah ada 50 (lima puluh) armada Restu Panda siap mengantarkan penumpang setiap saat.
Mungkin Anda punya pengalaman berkesan dengan Restu Panda silakan berbagi di sini

Tentang Bis Mania ComuniTy (BMC)


BisMania Community adalah Komunitas Penggemar Bis Indonesia, yang anggotanya tersebar di berbagai kota di Indonesia dengan mayoritas di Pulau Jawa. Kami ini adalah masyarakat yang menjadikan bis tidak hanya sekedar alat transportasi tetapi juga aneka kreasi dan hobby. Segala hal yang berhubungan dengan bis kami akomodasi dalam komunitas ini mulai dari Bis Antar kota, Bis Kota, Bis Pariwisata, Minibus hingga teknologi dunia per-bis-an termasuk juga segala hal yang menyangkut dunia per-bis-an.
BisMania Community memiliki anggota yang beragam dari berbagai usia dan berbagai kalangan namun dalam satu kesatuan hati – Penggemar Bis Indonesia.
BisMania Community tidak hanya sebagai sarana pemersatu Penggemar bis di Indonesia tetapi juga berharap dapat berperan memberikan sumbangsih dan peduli untuk memajukan bangsa khususnya di prasarana transportasi sebagai penghubung antar daerah di Indonesia.
Selain itu BisMania Community berharap dapat  menunjang berbagai aktivitas bisnis dunia otomotif Indonesia, menjadi nilai tambah yang bermafaat bagi pengusaha, konsumen, ataupun industri lain yang berhubungan dengan dunia transportasi bis. .


Yang awam jadi tahu, yang paham jadi lebih tahu dan yang pinter harus cari tahu yang baru tentang bis
Misi dari Bismania Community (BMC) itu sendiri adalah :
  1. Menghimpun, menyatukan dan mengakomodasi para penggemar bus di seluruh Indonesia dalam satu lingkup komunitas melalui berbagai macam kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan dunia perbisan
  1. Menjalin kerjasama yang erat dan saling menguntungkan diantara sesama anggota BMC maupun dengan pihak diluar BMC seperti operator PO, Dinas Perhubungan, DLLAJ dan instansi-instansi terkait
  2. Saling berbagi ilmu dan pengalaman di bidang otomotif khususnya tentang dunia perbus-an diantara anggota BMC
  3. BMC merupakan wadah pemersatu bagi seluruh penggemar bus di Tanah Air yang ingin menyalurkan hobinya, berbagi ilmu dan pengalaman, serta mendapat manfaat atas keikutsertaannya dalam BMC
  4. Sebagai symbol dari konsumen bus dan menjadi mediator antara konsumen dengan operator PO, demi meningkatkan pelayanan sehingga dapat memberikan dan mengajak kepada masyarakat untuk menjadikan bus sebagai pilihan transportasi yang layak digunakan
  5. Menjalin kerjasama yang baik dengan komunitas lain diluar Bismania Community


Berawal dari penuturan di sebuah blog, http://www.anjarpriandoyo.wordpress.com/ dimana penulis menceritakan tentang complain dalam perjalanannya menggunakan bus. Thread tersebut ternyata mengundang banyak pengunjung, menciptakan sebuah suasana diskusi mulai dari kualitas karoseri bus, pelayanan suatu perusahaan otobus bahkan sampai bedah mesin. Termasuk di dalamnya Gentur, memiliki gagasan bahwa ternyata yang memiliki kecintaan dan interest terhadap bus tidaklah sedikit, membuatnya berfikir kenapa tidak diorganisir saja rekan-rekan tersebut dalam satu wadah, dalam hal ini komunitas. Sehingga bisa memaksimalkan ide, gagasan atau hobi tersebut dalam tempat tersendiri, tidak selalu ‘nebeng’ dalam blog pribadi mengingat peminat obrolan tentang bus semakin banyak.
Disusul oleh rekan-rekan yang lain, diadakanlah beberapa kali kopi darat. Hingga akhirnya memutuskan untuk membuat suatu komunitas bis dengan mailing list bertitle bismania@yahoogroups.com sebagai sarana bertukar informasi, yang juga merupakan tanda resmi berdirinya Bismania Community, yaitu pada tanggal 3 April 2007. Bismania Community belum memiliki struktur organisasi yang jelas. Secara aklamasi, ditunjuklah Gentur sebagai Ketua pada waktu itu.
Dengan keberadaan member yang semakin bertambah banyak, bahkan tersebar di berbagai daerah hingga pada masanya Bismania Community mengadakan Jambore Nasional I (Pertama) pada 1 Juli 2007 bertempat di Pool PO. Nusantara Kudus.
Logo Bismania Community Lama
Logo Bismania Community Lama
Timbulnya PT Bismania Indonesia menjadi awal kekacauan komunitas. Berjalan beberapa bulan, beberapa founder komunitas ini kemudian mendirikan satu badan usaha dengan nama PT Bismania Indonesia (PT BMI), bergerak di bidang event organizer (missal jika ada pameran), advertisement dan agency bus, dan juga Majalah Bus “Bus Magazine” serta mendirikan website http://www.bismania.com/ sebagai sarana penyebaran informasinya (profit oriented), sementara tujuan dibentuknya Bismania Community di awal adalah murni komunitas yang independen dan non profit oriented..
Pendirian badan usaha dengan bentuk PT (Perseroan Terbatas) dengan nama yang sama dengan komunitas yakni “Bismania” disertai tanpa adanya sosialisasi dan transparansi yang memadai kepada member komunitas inilah yang menjadi awal terjadi kekacauan di komunitas ini.  Beberapa rekan di bismania memberi stempel sah pada PT BMI ini, sebagian lagi berpendapat bisnis pribadi sebaiknya dilakukan di luar koridor komunitas,  penggunaan nama yang sama juga diperdebatkan karena bisa menimbulkan konflik of interest atau benturan kepentingan di masa mendatang yang akan menyulitkan kedua belah pihak.
Pro kontra mengenai masalah ini menimbulkan perpecahan di masa lalu, milist bismania yang seharusnya menjadi ajang informasi, menjadi ajang adu domba, fitnah, bertengkar yang luar biasa yang mengarah pada terjadinya konflik.  Milist yang nyaman berubah menjadi tidak nyaman dan dibiarkan oleh sang moderator menjadi tidak terkendali, pada saat inilah ajakan untuk berpindah ke website sebagai sarana informasi bismania di mulai, tentunya dengan harapan menaikkan rating website tersebut agar semakin banyak dilirik.
Konflik yang terjadi semakin meruncing hingga akhirnya, timbulah perpecahan. Sesuatu yang harusnya tidak akan terjadi jika konflik yang ada dikelola secara baik, apresiasi sebagian pengurus PT yang sebagian masih muda yang masih mengedepankan emosional dan ego dalam penyelesaian konflik semakin membuat runyam. Kebodohan dalam menyikapi dan membaca peluang ditambah sentimental negatif kepada anggota komunitas yang kontra dengan keberadaan BMI ini akhirnya memuncak, pecahlah bismania, Bismania sebagai komunitas dalam bentuk Bismania Community (BMC) dengan mailing list bismania@yahoogroups.com dan PT Bismania Indonesia (BMI) dengan senjata website http://www.bismania.com/
Sampai suatu saat terjadi konsolidasi antara Bismania Community dengan BMI, dengan notulen rapat yang menghasilkan kesepakatan bahwa founder-founder tersebut menyerahkan Bismania Community untuk dikelola dengan baik oleh rekan-rekan yang lain, sementara mereka akan tetap konsen dengan bendera PT. Bismania Indonesia dan Bus Magazine sebagai iconnya waktu itu, yang pada akhirnya membentuk komunitas penggemar bis baru disamping bismania community.
Bismania Community terpecah menjadi 3 kubu :
  1. http://www.bismania.org/ Bismania Community (BMC) – memakai logo bismania baru
  2. http://www.bismania.com/ Bismania Forum (Forbiscom) – memakai logo Bismania yang lama
  3. http://www.portalbus.info/ terdiri dari : JakBus (Jakarta Bus Society), Bandung Bisser Community (BBC), Malang Bus Lovers (MBL), Bali Bus Maniac (BBM), TMBC (Tasik Malaya Bisser Community), KBC (Kudus Buslovers Community) dan masih banyak lagi.
Bismania Community dengan  musyawarah dan mufakat, akhirnya resmi dibentuk suatu kepengurusan secara organisasi berikut strukturnya pada tanggal 8 Maret 2008 dengan mengusung AD dan ART sebagai dasar-dasar aturan pergerakannya. Member hingga saat ini sudah mencapai lebih dari 1.000 orang yang tersebar di seluruh penjuru nusantara bahkan sampai ke luar negeri ter-wakili dalam bentuk korwil (koordinator wilayah) yaitu Jabodetabek, Jateng I, DIY, Jawa Timur, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Bali, Papua bahkan ada di Singapore. Semuanya terdiri dari anggota aktif maupun pasif yang berdasarkan kategori pekerjaan/status beragam mulai dari pelajar sampai pengusaha sekalipun. Selain mailing list bismania@yahoogroups.com sebagai sarana komunikasinya, Bismania Community juga mempunyai website resmi di http://www.bismania.org/ (bukan http://www.bismania.com/ ).
Logo Bismania Community Baru
Logo Bismania Community Baru

From : BMCB (Bis Mania Comunity Banyuwangi)


National Basketball Association

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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National Basketball Association (NBA)
Current season or competition:
2011 NBA Playoffs
NBA logo
FoundedJune 6, 1946
CommissionerDavid Stern
Inaugural season1946–47
No. of teams30
Country(ies) United States (29 teams)
 Canada (1 team)
ContinentFIBA Americas (Americas)
Most recent champion(s)Los Angeles Lakers (16th title)
Most titlesBoston Celtics (17 titles)
TV partner(s)ABC
Official websiteNBA.com
The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the pre-eminent men's professional basketball league in North America. It consists of thirty franchised member clubs, of which twenty-nine are located in the United States and one in Canada. It is an active member of USA Basketball (USAB),[1] which is recognized by the International Basketball Federation as the National Governing Body (NGB) for basketball in the United States. The NBA is one of the four major North American professional sports leagues, which include Major League Baseball (MLB), the National Football League (NFL), and the National Hockey League (NHL).
The league was founded in New York City on June 6, 1946 as the Basketball Association of America (BAA).[2] The league adopted the name National Basketball Association in 1949 after merging with the rival National Basketball League (NBL). The league's several international as well as individual team offices are directed out of its head offices located in the Olympic Tower at 645 Fifth Avenue in New York City. NBA Entertainment and NBA TV studios are directed out of offices located in Secaucus, New Jersey.




The Basketball Association of America was founded in 1946 by the owners of the major ice hockey arenas in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States and Canada. On November 1, 1946, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the Toronto Huskies hosted the New York Knickerbockers at Maple Leaf Gardens, which the NBA now regards as the first game played in the league's history.[3] Although there had been earlier attempts at professional basketball leagues, including the American Basketball League and the NBL, the BAA was the first league to attempt to play primarily in large arenas in major cities. During its early years, the quality of play in the BAA was not significantly better than in competing leagues or among leading independent clubs such as the Harlem Globetrotters. For instance, the 1948 ABL finalist Baltimore Bullets moved to the BAA and won that league's 1948 title, and the 1948 NBL champion Minneapolis Lakers won the 1949 BAA title.


On August 3, 1949, the BAA agreed to merge with the NBL, creating the new National Basketball Association.[4] The new league had seventeen franchises located in a mix of large and small cities,[4] as well as large arenas and smaller gymnasiums and armories. In 1950, the NBA consolidated to eleven franchises, a process that continued until 1953–54, when the league reached its smallest size of eight franchises, all of which are still in the league (the Knicks, Celtics, Warriors, Lakers, Royals/Kings, Pistons, Hawks, and Nationals/76ers).
The process of contraction saw the league's smaller-city franchises move to larger cities. The Hawks shifted from "Tri-Cities" (the area now known as the Quad Cities) to Milwaukee (in 1951) and then to St. Louis (in 1955); the Royals from Rochester to Cincinnati (in 1957); and the Pistons from Fort Wayne to Detroit (in 1957).
Although Japanese-American Wataru Misaka technically broke the NBA color barrier in the 1947–48 season when he played for the New York Knicks, 1950 is recognized as the year the NBA integrated. This year witnessed the addition of African American players by several teams, including Chuck Cooper with the Boston Celtics, Nat "Sweetwater" Clifton with the New York Knicks, and Earl Lloyd with the Washington Capitols.
During this period, the Minneapolis Lakers, led by center George Mikan, won five NBA Championships and established themselves as the league's first dynasty.[5] To encourage shooting and discourage stalling, the league introduced the 24-second shot clock in 1954.[6] If a team does not attempt to score a field goal (or the ball fails to make contact with the rim) within 24 seconds of obtaining the ball, play is stopped and the ball given to its opponent.
In 1957, rookie center Bill Russell joined the Boston Celtics, who already featured guard Bob Cousy and coach Red Auerbach, and went on to lead the club to eleven NBA titles in thirteen seasons. Center Wilt Chamberlain entered the league with the Warriors in 1959 and became a dominant individual star of the 1960s, setting new single game records in scoring (100) and rebounding (55). Russell's rivalry with Chamberlain became one of the great individual rivalries in the history of American team sports.


The 1960s were dominated by the Boston Celtics. Led by Bill Russell, Bob Cousy and coach Red Auerbach, the Celtics won every championship in the NBA from the 1958–1959 season through 1965–1966. The streak is the longest in NBA history at eight in a row. They did not repeat in 1966–1967 but regained the title in the 1967–1968 season and repeated in 1968–1969. The domination totaled nine of the 10 championship banners of the 1960s.[7]
Through this period, the NBA continued to strengthen with the shift of the Minneapolis Lakers to Los Angeles, the Philadelphia Warriors to San Francisco, and the Syracuse Nationals to Philadelphia, as well as the addition of its first expansion franchises. The Chicago Packers (now Washington Wizards) became the ninth NBA team in 1961. From 1966 to 1968, the league expanded from nine teams to fourteen, introducing the Chicago Bulls, Seattle SuperSonics (now Oklahoma City Thunder), San Diego Rockets (who relocated to Houston four years later), Milwaukee Bucks, and Phoenix Suns.
In 1967, the league faced a new external threat with the formation of the American Basketball Association. The leagues engaged in a bidding war. The NBA landed the most important college star of the era, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (then known as Lew Alcindor). However, the NBA's leading scorer, Rick Barry, jumped to the ABA, as did four veteran referees—Norm Drucker, Earl Strom, John Vanak, and Joe Gushue.[8]


The American Basketball Association also succeeded in signing a number of major stars, including Julius Erving of the Virginia Squires, in part because it allowed teams to sign college undergraduates. The NBA expanded rapidly during this period, one purpose being to tie up the most viable cities. From 1966 to 1974, the NBA grew from nine franchises to 18. In 1970, the Portland Trail Blazers, Cleveland Cavaliers, and Buffalo Braves (now the Los Angeles Clippers) all made their debuts expanding the league to 17.[9] The New Orleans Jazz (now in Utah) came aboard in 1974 bringing the total to 18. Following the 1976 season, the leagues reached a settlement that provided for the addition of four ABA franchises to the NBA, raising the number of franchises in the league at that time to 22. The franchises added were the San Antonio Spurs, Denver Nuggets, Indiana Pacers, and New York Nets (now the New Jersey Nets). Some of the biggest stars of this era were Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Rick Barry, Dave Cowens, Julius Erving, Walt Frazier, Artis Gilmore, George Gervin, Dan Issel, and Pete Maravich.
The end of the decade, however, saw declining TV ratings, low attendance and drug-related issues that threatened to derail the NBA.


Los Angeles Lakers Magic Johnson and Boston Celtics Larry Bird in Game Two of the 1985 NBA Finals at Boston Garden.
The league added the ABA's innovative three-point field goal beginning in 1979 to open up the game. That same year, rookies Larry Bird and Magic Johnson joined the Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Lakers respectively, initiating a period of significant growth in fan interest in the NBA throughout the country and the world. In 1984 they played against each other for the first time in the NBA Finals. Johnson went on to lead the Lakers to five titles, and Bird went on to lead the Celtics to three. Also in the early '80s, the NBA added one more expansion franchise, the Dallas Mavericks, bringing the total to 23 teams. Later on, Larry Bird won the first three three-point shooting contests.
Current league commissioner David Stern took office on April 1, 1984, and oversaw the expansion and growth of the NBA to a global commodity.


Jordan going in for a dunk
Michael Jordan entered the league in 1984 with the Chicago Bulls, providing an even more popular star to support growing interest in the league. This resulted in more cities demanding teams of their own. In 1988 and 1989, four cities got their wishes as the Charlotte Hornets (now the New Orleans Hornets), Miami Heat, Orlando Magic, and Minnesota Timberwolves made their NBA debuts. In the first year of the 1990s, the Detroit Pistons would win the second of their back-to-back "Bad Boys" titles, led by Chuck Daly as coach and Isiah Thomas as floor general.
Jordan and Scottie Pippen would lead the Bulls to six championships in eight years during the 1990s. Hakeem Olajuwon won back-to-back titles with the Houston Rockets in '94 and '95.
The 1992 Olympic basketball Dream Team, the first to use current NBA stars, featured Michael Jordan as the anchor, along with Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, David Robinson, Patrick Ewing, Scottie Pippen, Clyde Drexler, Karl Malone, John Stockton, Chris Mullin, Charles Barkley, and Christian Laettner.
In 1995, the NBA expanded to Canada with the addition of the Vancouver Grizzlies and the Toronto Raptors. In 2001, the Vancouver Grizzlies were relocated to Memphis, which left the Raptors as the only Canadian team in the NBA.
In 1996, the NBA created a women's league, the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA).
In 1998, the NBA owners began a lockout which lasted 191 days and was settled on January 18, 1999. As a result of this lockout the 1998–99 NBA season was reduced from 82 to 50 games (61% of a normal season), and the All-Star Game was cancelled. The San Antonio Spurs won the championship on June 25 by beating the New York Knicks, the first and to this date, the only 8th seed to ever make the NBA Finals.


Since the break-up of the Chicago Bulls in the summer of 1998, the Western Conference has dominated, with the Los Angeles Lakers and San Antonio Spurs combining to win the title in nine of twelve years. One or the other has won the Western Conference title every year except in 2006 (when the Dallas Mavericks won the conference title). Tim Duncan and David Robinson won the 1999 championship with the San Antonio Spurs, and Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant started the 2000s off with the three consecutive championships with the Los Angeles Lakers. The Spurs reclaimed the title in 2003 against the Nets.
In 2004, the Lakers returned to the Finals, only to fall in five games to the Detroit Pistons. The following off-season, O'Neal was traded to the Miami Heat, and the Charlotte Bobcats were established as the league's 30th team. The Spurs won their third championship in 2005.
The 2006 Finals featured two cities making their first Finals appearances. The Miami Heat led by their star shooting guard, Dwyane Wade, and Shaquille O'Neal won the series over the Dallas Mavericks in six games after losing games 1 and 2.
The Lakers/Spurs dominance continued in 2007 with a four-game sweep by the San Antonio Spurs over the Cleveland Cavaliers, who were led by LeBron James. The 2008 Finals saw a rematch of the league's highest profile rivalry, the Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers, with the Celtics prevailing, thanks to their big three of Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, and Kevin Garnett.
However, in 2009, the Lakers with Kobe Bryant returned to the Finals, this time defeating the Dwight Howard-led Orlando Magic for their 15th title.[10] Kobe Bryant won his first NBA Finals MVP award in his 13th season after leading the Lakers to their first NBA championship since the departure of Shaquille O'Neal.[11]


The 2010 NBA All-Star Game was held at Cowboys Stadium in front of the largest crowd ever, 108,713.[12] The 2010 playoffs began on April 17, 2010. The eight Eastern Conference teams that made it to the playoffs were the Boston Celtics, Orlando Magic, Cleveland Cavaliers, Atlanta Hawks, Chicago Bulls, Miami Heat, Milwaukee Bucks, and Charlotte Bobcats.[13] The qualifying Western Conference teams were the Los Angeles Lakers, Phoenix Suns, Utah Jazz, San Antonio Spurs, Oklahoma City Thunder, Portland Trail Blazers, Denver Nuggets, and the Dallas Mavericks.[13] The Cleveland Cavaliers finished the season with the best record in both the east and the entire NBA, but were eliminated by the Boston Celtics in the Conference Semi-Finals. The Los Angeles Lakers finished with the best record in the west. The Lakers beat the Suns in 6 games, advancing to the NBA Finals for the 31st time. The Boston Celtics also advanced to the NBA Finals, defeating the Orlando Magic in 6 games. The Celtics and the Lakers renewed their rivalry from 2008 when they met again in the NBA Finals for the 12th time. The Lakers won the title in the 7th game, 83–79.[14] Kobe Bryant won his second Finals MVP award.[14]

International influence

Following pioneers like Draลพen Petroviฤ‡ (Croatia) who joined the NBA in the late 1980s, an increasing number of international players have moved directly from playing elsewhere in the world to starring in the NBA. Below is a short list of notable foreign players, either currently or formerly active in the league:
On some occasions, young players, most but not all from the English-speaking world, have attended U.S. colleges before playing in the NBA. Notable examples are
Since 2006, the NBA has faced Euroleague teams in exhibition matches in the NBA Europe Live Tour and since 2009 in the Euroleague American Tour.
The 2009–10 season season opened with a record of 83 international players on the opening night rosters, tying the record set in the 2006–07 season.[15]

Other developments

In 2001, an affiliated minor league, the National Basketball Development League, now called the NBA Development League (or D-League) was created.[16] Before the league was started, there were strong rumors that the NBA would purchase the CBA, and call it its developmental league, as the Continental Basketball Association was its "minor league" affiliate for years. 20% of NBA players spent time in this league and over 143 players have been called up to play in the NBA.[citation needed]
In 2004, two years after the Hornets relocation to New Orleans, the NBA returned to North Carolina as the Charlotte Bobcats were formed.
In 2005, the Hornets relocated to Oklahoma City for two seasons. This was required due to damage caused by Hurricane Katrina. In 2007, the Hornets returned to New Orleans.
On June 28, 2006, a new official game ball was introduced for the 2006–07 season, marking the first change to the ball in over 35 years and only the second ball in 60 seasons.[17] Manufactured by Spalding, the new ball featured a new design and new synthetic material that Spalding claimed offered a better grip, feel, and consistency than the original ball. However, many players were vocal in their disdain for the new ball, saying that it was too sticky when dry, and too slippery when wet.
On December 11, 2006, Commissioner Stern announced that beginning January 1, 2007, the NBA would return to the traditional leather basketball in use prior to the 2006–2007 season. The change was influenced by frequent player complaints and confirmed hand injuries (cuts) caused by the microfiber ball.[18] The Players' Association had filed a suit in behalf of the players against the NBA over the new ball.[19] As of 2006, the NBA team jerseys are manufactured by Adidas, which purchased the previous supplier, Reebok.
On July 19, 2007, the FBI investigated allegations that veteran NBA referee Tim Donaghy bet on basketball games he officiated over the past two seasons and that he made calls affecting the point spread in those games.[20] On August 15, 2007, Donaghy pleaded guilty to two federal charges related to the investigation. However, he could face additional charges if it is determined that he deliberately miscalled individual games. Donaghy in 2008 claimed that certain refs were friendly with the players and "company men" for the NBA. Donaghy alleged that refs influenced the outcome of certain playoff and final games in 2002 and 2005. NBA commissioner David Stern denied the allegations and said Donaghy was a convicted felon and a "singing, cooperating witness".[21] Donaghy served 15 months in prison and was released in November, 2009.[22] According to an independent study by Ronald Beech of Game 6 of the NBA 2002 Western Conference Finals between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Sacramento Kings, although the refs increased the Lakers' chances of winning through foul calls during the game, there was no collusion to fix the game. On alleged "star treatment" during Game 6 by the refs toward certain players, Beech claimed, "there does seem to be issues with different standards and allowances for different players." [23]
In June 2008, it was announced that the Seattle SuperSonics would be rendered inactive and the franchise itself would relocate to Oklahoma City. The Oklahoma City Thunder began playing in the 2008–2009 season. This marks the third NBA franchise to relocate in the past decade.
On October 11, 2008, the Phoenix Suns and the Denver Nuggets played the first outdoor game in the modern era of the NBA at the Indian Wells Tennis Garden.[24]
On September 1, 2009, the contract between the NBA and its referees expired. On October 1, 2009, the first preseason games were played and replacement referees from the WNBA and NBA Development League were used. The last time replacement referees were used was beginning of the 1995–96 season.[25] The NBA and the regular referees reached a deal on October 23, 2009.[26]


The NBA originated in 1946 with 11 teams, and through a sequence of team expansions, reductions, and relocations currently consists of 30 teams. The United States is home to 29 teams and one is located in Canada. The Boston Celtics have won the most championships with 17 NBA Finals wins. The second most successful franchise is the Los Angeles Lakers, who have 16 overall championships (11 in Los Angeles, 5 in Minneapolis). Following the Lakers are the Chicago Bulls with six championships, all of them over an 8-year span during the 1990s, and the San Antonio Spurs with four championships, all since 1999.
The current league organization divides thirty teams into two conferences of three divisions with five teams each. The current divisional alignment was introduced in the 2004–05 season.

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Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Pengenalan tentang BMC (Bis Mania Komunity)

  • BisMania Community adalah Komunitas Penggemar Bis Indonesia, yang anggotanya tersebar di berbagai kota di Indonesia dengan mayoritas di Pulau Jawa dan Sumatra. Kami ini adalah masyarakat yang menjadikan bis tidak hanya sekedar alat transportasi tetapi juga aneka kreasi dan hobby. Segala hal yang berhubungan dengan bis kami akomodasi dalam komunitas ini mulai dari Bis Antarkota, Bis Kota, Bis Pariwisata, minibis hingga teknologi dunia per-bis-an termasuk juga segala hal yang menyangkut dunia per-bis-an. BisMania Community memiliki anggota yang beragam dari berbagai usia dan berbagai kalangan namun dalam satu kesatuan hati “ Komunitas Penggemar Bis Indonesia “.
  • BisMania Community tidak hanya sebagai sarana pemersatu Penggemar bis di Indonesia tetapi juga berharap dapat berperan memberikan sumbangsih dan peduli untuk memajukan bangsa khususnya di prasarana transportasi sebagai penghubung antar daerah di Indonesia.
  • Selain itu BisMania Community berharap dapat menunjang berbagai aktivitas bisnis dunia otomotif  Indonesia, menjadi nilai tambah yang  bermafaat bagi pengusaha, konsumen, atau pun industri lain yang berhubungan dengan dunia transportasi bis.

Visi & Misi BisMania Community

” Yang awam jadi tahu, yang paham jadi lebih tahu dan yang pinter harus cari tahu yang baru tentang bis ”
  • Menghimpun, menyatukan dan mengakomodasi para penggemar bis diseluruh Indonesia dalam satu lingkup komunitas melalui berbagai macam kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan dunia perbisan.
  • Menjalin kerjasama yang erat dan saling menguntungkan di antara sesama anggota BMC maupun dengan pihak di luar BMC seperti operator PO, Dinas Perhubungan, DLLAJ dan instansi-instansi terkait.
  • Saling berbagi ilmu dan pengalaman di bidang otomotif khususnya tentang dunia perbis-an di antara anggota BMC
  • BMC merupakan wadah pemersatu bagi seluruh penggemar bis di Tanah Air yang ingin menyalurkan hobinya, berbagi ilmu dan pengalaman, serta mendapat manfaat atas keikutsertaannya dalam BMC
  • Sebagai simbol dari konsumen bis dan menjadi mediator antara konsumen dengan operator PO, demi meningkatkan pelayanan sehingga dapat memberikan dan mengajak kepada masyarakat untuk menjadikan bis sebagai pilihan transportasi yang layak digunakan.
  • Menjalin kerjasama yang baik dengan komunitas lain diluar Bismania Community

Jaringan Informasi BMC

Website : www.bismania.org
E-mail : info@bismania.org
Mailing List : BisMania@yahoogroups.com
Facebook: bismania community
Call Center : 021-3263 3367
Sekretariat:Jl. Nilam Blok D338, Perum Masnaga, Jakasampurna, Bekasi Barat 17145

Apa saja yang dilakukan Bismania Community?

  1. Kunjungan dan diskusi ke Karoseri Perusahaan Otobis, Pabrikan & Industri terkait
  2. Ikut serta & berperan aktif dalam diskusi transportasi yang diadakan oleh Lembaga/Instansi terkait.
  3. Kegiatan Sosial Kemasyarakatan
  4. Kegiatan Sosialita/expo komunitas/ pameran terkait
  5. Kegiatan internal komunitas seperti kopdar, turing, family gathering.
Kunjungan dan diskusi ke Karoseri dan industri pendukung
Untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses pembuatan bis pada industri bis, menyampaikan saran kritik dan masukan kepihak karoseri, memaparkan hasil survey produk karoseri oleh BMC, serta kuliah dari pihak karoseri tentang industri karoseri dan kunjungan industri bis dan pendukung
  1. United Tractor –Scania
  2. Road test Mercedes Benz OH 1526
  3. Road Test Yutong New Armada
  4. Road Test Legacy Laksana
  5. Jok Kursi PT Rimba Kencana(HAI)
  6. Jok Kursi C71 Yogyakarta.
Kunjungan Karoseri
  1. Karoseri Rahayu Santosa Bogor.
  2. Karoseri Morodadi Prima Malang.
  3. Karoseri Adiputro Malang.
  4. Karoseri Laksana, Ungaran.
  5. Karoseri New Armada, Magelang.
  6. Karoseri Tri Sakti (kunjungan terbatas)
Poto Kunjungan ke Karoseri
Poto Kunjungan ke Karoseri
Poto Kunjungan ke Karoseri dan Industri Pendukung
Poto Kunjungan ke Karoseri dan Industri Pendukung
Kunjungan dan diskusi Perusahaan Otobis
Melakukan diskusi layanan Perusahaan Otobis, termasuk di dalamnya saran kritik dan masukan, presentasi hasil survey layanan operator, Kuliah tata kelola industri oto bis dari PO, dll.
  • Blue Star, Pahala Kencana, Kerub Pariwisata, Sinar Jaya, Big Bird, Harapan Jaya, Kalisari, Tiara Mas,Titian Mas,Rahayu Sentosa, NPM
  • Nusantara, Bejeu, Shantika, Muji Jaya, Selamet, Subur Jaya, Tri Sumber Urip, Efisiensi, Prayogo, Tami Jaya, Tunggal Daya, Bimo
  • Asyaco, Witour, Rejeki Baru, Sargede, Ardian Transport, GeGe Transport, 99 Trans, Djangkar Bumi, Pulung Sari, Gajah Mungkur, Gajah Mungkur Sejahtera
  • dll…
Poto Kunjungan ke PO
Poto Kunjungan ke PO
Kegiatan ilmiah
  1. Sarasehan, diskusi, survey atau pun obrolan tentang dunia bis baik dalam forum resmi ataupun tidak resmi.
  2. Sarasehan Hino Mania.
  3. Diskusi dengan UPTD Terminal Rawamangun.
  4. Survey pendapat produk Karoseri
  5. Diskusi dengan Masyarakat Transportasi Indonesia (MTI)
  6. Pengadaan Lomba Design Bis bersama ASKARINDO
  7. Pengadaan Lomba Penulisan artikel Bis bersama ASKARINDO
  8. dll.
Poto Kegiatan Ilmiah
Poto Kegiatan Ilmiah
Kegiatan Sosial kemasyarakatan
  1. Aksi sosial bencana gempa Jabar
  2. Aksi Sosial bencana gempa Padang
  3. Khitanan massal.
  4. Aksi Donor darah.
  5. Pembagian takjil puasa di dalambis terminal dan halte bis.
  6. Sukarelawan untuk Arus Mudik & Arus Balik lebaran
  7. Pemberian bantuan alat tulis bagi murid-murid tidak mampu.
  8. Bantuan Panti Asuhan.
Poto Kegiatan Kemanuasiaan
Poto Kegiatan Kemanusiaan
Kegiatan Sosialita/Expo
  1. Partisipasi dalam Pameran International  Bis & Truck : IIBT 2010
  2. Pemasangan Sunscreen bis-bis untuk membatu keselamatan penumpang dan kenyamanan Pengemudi.
  3. Bantuan arus mudik di PO Nusantara
  4. Bantuan arus mudik PO Sumber Alam
  5. Posko Mudik Terminal Purwokerto
  6. Posko Mudik Terminal Giwangan–StasiunTugu
  7. Pameran Indonesia Consumnity Expo
  8. Pameran Komunitas & Buku Widya.
  9. Jaringan acara diskusi dengan STMT Trisakti.
  10. Futsa ldengan Organda.
  11. Partisipasi dalam Kegiatan lingkungan hidup, Car Free Day & Pameran Lingkungan Hidup.
  12. Penyelenggaraan Acara Mudik Bersama di beberapa daerah.
Poto Kegiatan Sosialita
Poto Kegiatan Sosialita
Kegiatan lnternal Komunitas
  1. Jambore dan Family Gathering.
  2. Touring bersama.
  3. Membuat aneka merchandise seperti kaos,kemeja, sticker, dan miniaturbis.
  4. Lomba catatan perjalanan, lomba foto bis
  5. Kunjungan ke Miniatur Bis Mayumi & NikiKayoe
  6. Kopi Darat (Kopdar) diterminal.
  7. dll.
Poto Kegiatan Internal Komunitas
Poto Kegiatan Internal Komunitas